Womens Entrepreneurs In Advanced Technology (Weatech) Inc. o/a Eventtours

Womens Entrepreneurs In Advanced Technology (Weatech) Inc. o/a Eventtours, a Toronto-based event management company, filed an assignment in bankruptcy on November 18, listing approximately $268,000 in liabilities. The company had organized a 17-day trip that was to take place on April 13, 2020 to the Holy Land, Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany and Croatia. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent shutdown in March 2020, the trip was postponed. The Company attempted to reschedule the trip, however, the continued travel restrictions due to COVID-19 did not allow for a rescheduling to be finalized. With no new business being booked, the company was no longer able to meet its obligations as they became due. msi Spergel Inc. (GRIP) is the bankruptcy trustee.