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- Document Library
Document Library
The latest precedents and data for any insolvency topic, at your fingertips.

What is it?
Our Document Library is a searchable database of publicly available insolvency documents in Canada. It contains the latest monitor reports, motion materials, factums, commercial agreements and more, all organized and tagged by topics, industry and jurisdiction.
With our Document Library, you will quickly be able to find the most recent precedent documents (court order, factum, commercial agreement, trustee report, etc) for almost any insolvency situation.
We also send subscribers a weekly summary email updates you on the important and interesting issues that are unfolding on files across the country, with links back to the Document Library if you want to read up further on a matter.
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Over 80 law firms, accounting firms and financial services firms across the country subscribe to our Document Library service and use it extensively for both research and to stay on top of the latest insolvency developments across the country.

"We signed up for the Document Library service from Day 1 and have been benefiting tremendously from it. We use it a lot for looking up recent orders so we know what the latest terms are for DIP orders, admin charges, etc. The Thursday subscriber emails are also super useful, as they're a quick read that keeps us aware of case updates that we need to know about."
"To be effective and creative in the restructuring world it is helpful if not fundamental that one stay informed of developments both in law, but even more so, in creative solutions and approaches to problems. In the past, being consistently engaged in the types of matters which generated those features, or at least being aware of what was taking shape in the practice was a bit of happenstance until the posting of materials on monitors’, trustees’, and receivers’ websites made the job a little easier. While a vast improvement in access to developments, it was again difficult to access specifics consistently.
The Document Library is truly a leap forward in knowledge management, and a game changer for those interested and in need of timely information on the many issues confronting practitioners. It enables the user to ‘stand on the shoulders’ of their colleagues when confronting an issue or a question and obtain as broad an exposure to what others have been doing as could be reasonably hoped. Using this tool allows practitioners to adopt and adapt the thinking that has gone before and form new solutions in a timely manner. In addition, having a resource from which to review trends and precedents (dip pricing for example) is highly useful. For firms with fewer resources, it’s a treasure, for all firms a highly useful practice tool that should be embraced.”
"Since I have become more familiar with Document Library and its functionality, it has been one of my go-to sources for court-filed documents. It is extremely current, country-wide in its scope, and thorough in its content. The Tracker function, particularly for interim/DIP loans and the analysis of stalking horse break fees, has been extremely helpful on certain files. The Insolvency Insider has made a successful expansion of their original publishing model, no question."
“The Document Library is a valuable resource for our firm’s insolvency practitioners. The service is user-friendly, regularly updated, and offers subscribers helpful access to materials filed in Canadian insolvency proceedings.”
Ready to join other leading insolvency practices that are already using our Document Library? Email us for pricing and signup instructions!