Victorian Epicure Inc. - SISP

MNP Ltd., in its capacity as Receiver of Victorian Epicure Inc. (“Epicure”), is conducting a sales process in respect of Epicure’s assets. Epicure is a consumer packaged goods culinary company, specializing in healthy meal solutions and operating from a production facility in North Saanich, B.C. Assets include mixing, bottling and packaging equipment, raw materials, IT assets, and intellectual property, including: website domains, client and customer lists, established brand assets and other intellectual property. Details of the receivership can be found HERE. The deadline for the submission of non-binding letters of intent is as soon as possible and the deadline for the submission of binding offers is 5:00pm PDT on Friday, March 21, 2025. For additional information and to obtain a copy of the Teaser document and non-disclosure agreement, please contact the Receiver at [email protected].