Tetu Island Lodge

Tetu Island Lodge, which is the registered owner and operator of a seasonal hunting and fishing lodge on Tetu Lake, Ontario (the "Property"), was placed in receivership on April 21 on application by BDC, owed approximately $534.6 thousand. Since the majority of guests who attend the lodge are from the US, there has been minimal income in the last year as a result of the continuing border closure between Canada and the US. The owners of the lodge are also American and the travel restrictions have not allowed them to attend the lodge to operate the facility. BDC claims that the company has not made any of the required payments under their loan agreement and that the company refuses to provide any financial information or disclosure to the BDC. Currently, it appears that the company has ceased operating and has since abandoned the Property. However, because the Property is inaccessible by road, BDC has been unable to confirm whether there is a risk to the company's equipment and buildings located on the Property, which are the assets over which BDC has security. MNP was appointed receiver. Soloway Wright is counsel to the applicant.