Solo Liquor Stores

Solo Liquor Stores, a Calgary, Alberta-based liquor retailer, was placed in receivership on May 1 on application by ATB Financial, owed approximately $29.5MM. Founded in 1996, the company has grown to become the largest private liquor retailer in Alberta with over 40 locations across the province. The company has been experiencing significant cash flow issues for a number of months and was in default on its loans to both ATB and Crown Capital. Pursuant to a forbearance agreement with ATB, the company engaged Eight Capital to run a sales process for the business but no transaction was completed. Anticipating a shortfall on its loan, ATB decided that the appointment of a receiver would be the most efficient and cost-effective manner to maximize recoveries. FTI was appointed receiver. Counsel is Blakes for the applicant, McCarthy Tétrault for the company, Torys for the receiver and MLT Aikins for Crown Capital.