Skyline 2 Productions Inc.

Skyline 2 Productions Inc., an Ontario and BC-based film production company that produced the series "Ed Quinn Vs.", was placed in interim receivership on August 17 on application by The Forest Road Company ("FRC"), owed approximately $1.4 million (USD) pursuant to a loan which is secured by both a GSA and the assignment of certain tax credits. FRC had agreed to advance the loan on the basis that the company was entitled to and would receive tax credits from the British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit and Canadian Federal Production Services Tax Credit. In accordance with the terms of the loan, the company assigned the tax credits and their proceeds to FRC. The loan has now come due and the company has failed to repay the loan. Furthermore, despite the fact that the tax credits and their proceeds were assigned to FRC, the company has failed to provide any information regarding the status of the tax credit proceeds to FRC. As a result of the company's various breaches and defaults under the terms of the loan and the lack of cooperation from its management, FRC has lost trust and confidence in the company. MNP was appointed interim receiver. Miller Thomson is counsel to the applicant.