Skillsoft Canada

Skillsoft Canada, as the foreign representative of Skillsoft, a US educational technology company which provides cloud-based learning solutions, had its Chapter 11 proceedings recognized in Canada under the CCAA on June 19. The primary purpose of the Chapter 11 proceedings is to implement a pre-negotiated, consensual restructuring that will reduce the company's existing balance sheet liabilities from $2.1 billion to $585.0 million. In recent years, the company has faced several challenges that have adversely impacted the operating performance of its business, including customer attrition resulting from steep market competition as well as the company's difficulty adapting its business model to address market shifts. In 2019, the company launched a successful transformation plan aimed at stabilizing the business. Despite increased order intake, customer renewal rates and new business, however, the company remains over-levered, with looming debt maturities in 2020 and 2021. Richter was appointed information officer. Counsel is Stikeman Elliott for the company, Fasken for the information officer, Osler for an ad hoc group of first lien and second lien lenders, and Goodmans for an ad hoc group of first lien lenders.