Rockshield Engineered Wood Products ULC

Rockshield Engineered Wood Products ULC, a Cochrane, Ontario-based manufacturer of plywood used to make a variety of products including furniture and cabinetry, filed an NOI on February 8, listing approximately $15.1 million in liabilities, including $2.9 million to BNS. Due to the seasonal variations in logging roads and poor transport truck access during the warmer months, the company purchases the majority of its raw materials in the winter. During the winter months, the company stockpiles approximately $100.0 thousand worth of logs per week over and above its manufacturing needs. Since the company's expenses during the stockpiling period exceed its revenue from operations, it has historically financed this "bulge" with capital from shareholders. This year, however, the company's shareholders have declined to extend financing for the bulge. In addition to the company's pending liquidity crisis, BNS has issued a demand on its credit facilities, asserting a breach of a debt service ratio covenant. During these proceedings, Hillmount Capital will be providing up to $1.5 million in DIP financing to the company. Dodick & Associates is the proposal trustee. Weisz Fell Kour is counsel to the company.