Redrock Camps Inc.

Redrock Camps Inc., a Calgary, Alberta-based company that provides temporary accommodation sites for companies in the energy, infrastructure, and firefighting sectors to house employees working in rural locations — along with its subsidiaries — obtained protection under the CCAA on May 13 on application by Invico Diversified Income LP ("IDILP") and Invico Trade Capital LP, owed approximately $18.9 million. The company, which lists over $26.7 million in total liabilities, is currently facing a liquidity shortfall and has defaulted on its obligations to the applicants, other creditors, and several of its suppliers. Most concerning, Skinner Bros Transport Ltd., the transportation company responsible for food delivery to the service camps, has threatened to cease transporting food to the camps until it receives payment. Without CCAA protection, a shutdown of operations is inevitable. IDILP will be providing up to $2.5 million in interim financing during these CCAA proceedings. BDO was appointed monitor. Counsel is Gowling WLG for the applicants, MLT Aikins for the monitor, and Osler for the companies.