Otso Gold Corp. (TSX-V:OTSO) and certain related entities

Otso Gold Corp. (TSX-V:OTSO) and certain related entities obtained protection under the CCAA on December 3. The companies are engaged in mineral exploration and development, focused on acquiring and developing prime resource assets, such as gold and copper, in safe harbour jurisdictions. Their primary business pertains to the development of the Laiva Gold Project in Norther Ostrobothnia, Finland (the "Otso Gold Mine"). Otso also owns a 49% interest in a Copper Creek porphyry copper gold exploration project situated in the golden triangle in British Columbia. The companies’ largest creditor is Pandion Mine Finance, which has advanced a total principal amount of $32,600,000 USD to the companies between 2017 and 2020. As at December 7, 2021 (when the loan is due), the amount owing to Pandion inclusive of principal and interest will be $25,875,000 USD. Until November 2021, the companies were managed by Lionsbridge Capital Pty Ltd., and the majority of Otso's directors and officers were Lionsbridge nominees. As a result of various concerns relating to Lionsbridge's management, A&M was appointed to provide restructuring services to the companies on November 24. Shortly thereafter, Lionsbridge's principals resigned and purported to terminate the management agreement. The companies also discovered that, among other things, Lionsbridge's office at the Otso Gold Mine had been completely emptied and Otso's computers and files had been removed; there were unaccounted for charges on Otso's credit card; and one of the companies had sold approximately $740,000 of gold which was paid for by wire transfer, but the funds are allegedly missing from Otso's bank accounts. Based on the above, an Otso executive made contact with Finnish border control services to report possible criminal activity, and, according to the company, Finnish authorities have apprehended one of the principals and placed him into custody. Deloitte was appointed monitor. Counsel is Farris for the companies, BLG for the monitor and Cassels for Pandion.