Otso Gold Corp.

Otso Gold Corp., a BC-based mining company focused on acquiring and developing prime resource assets such as gold and copper in safe harbour jurisdictions, was placed in receivership on an interim basis on January 14, on application by the company's largest creditor, Pandion Mine Finance, owed approximately $31 million. At the time, the company was subject to CCAA proceedings, having sought protection after the company's former CEO and others were discovered to have allegedly committed embezzlement and fraud in connection with the company's assets. Pandion brought a receivership application, arguing that, among other things, the CCAA proceedings were eroding Pandion's collateral. The company opposed, arguing that, among other things, Pandion had not delivered notice under s. 244 of the BIA and that, as a consequence, was only entitled to the appointment of an interim receiver under s. 47 of the BIA. The company also argued that the amount of Pandion's debt was not as claimed. The Court granted the interim receivership order, which is to remain in force until the release of the reasons for decision on the receivership application. Deloitte was appointed interim receiver. Counsel is Farris for the company, BLG for the interim receiver and Cassels for Pandion.