Ontario Graphite

Ontario Graphite, a privately-owed Canadian mining company engaged in the re-commissioning and operation of a mining property near Kearney, Ontario, obtained protection under the CCAA on February 12 on application by Orionis, owed approximately $15.0 million (USD). Since at least September 2015, the company has been suffering from operational and liquidity issues. Orionis subsequently advanced funds to the company pursuant to three secured notes. While Orionis has worked collaboratively with the company for several years to resolve its financial and liquidity issues, Orionis is no longer prepared to fund the company outside of a court-supervised process. The company will be able to borrow up to a maximum of $2.8 million in DIP financing from Orionis while it runs a sale and investment solicitation process. Deloitte was appointed monitor. Counsel is Osler for the applicant, BLG for the monitor and Miller Thomson for the company.