O2 Industries Inc

O2 Industries Inc., a Kitchener, Ontario-based company that designs and sells personal respirators for consumer, healthcare, and military/law enforcement markets, was placed in receivership on May 27. The company has experienced severe financial challenges as a result of declining sales, revenues, and substantial unsold inventory. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had created substantial demand for personal protective equipment ("PPE"), including masks and respirators. However, the company experienced a drastic decline in sales volumes as consumer demand for PPE peaked and the market became saturated with excess supply. Despite the bridge financing provided by lenders, the company has been unable to to execute on its business plan to attract additional capital from new investors or generate liquidity from the sale of product inventory. As part of the receivership proceedings, the receiver will solicit proposals for a sale of the company's business and assets. RSM Canada was appointed receiver. Goodmans in counsel for the applicant.