Nygard Group

Nygard Group, a Winnipeg, Manitoba-based clothing brand, was placed in receivership on March 18 on application by White Oak Commercial Finance, owed approximately $25.9 million (USD). The entities within the Nygard Group had each filed an NOI on March 9 but the automatic stay of proceedings did not apply to White Oak, which had issued its Notice of Intention to Enforce Security more than 10 days prior. In breach of several conditions under its credit agreement, the Nygard Group has lost the trust of its lenders. White Oak alleges that it has not been receiving timely or accurate information, and several significant decisions were recently made by the group without White Oak's consultation, including the decision to close its retail stores, distribution centres and website. The proposal trustee too has only received limited information, leading it to conclude that it was not in a position to advise that the group was acting with good faith or due diligence. Richter was appointed receiver. Counsel is Pitblado and Osler for the applicant and Thompson Dorfman Sweatman for the receiver.