NTI Newspaper Technologies Inc. - Motion to interplead surplus funds

KPMG Inc., the privately appointed Receiver and Manager of NTI Newspaper Technologies Inc. (the “Receiver”) will apply to the court on the 12th day of December 2024, at the hour of 10:00 AM, via WebEx, or so soon thereafter as the motion can be heard, to interplead surplus funds held in the estate into the Court, less the professional fees of the Receiver and its legal counsel. Notice of objection or interference to the application, setting out the reasons for opposition or interference, must be filed with the Court at 601 - 5th Street SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 5P7 at least five days before the date of the hearing, and a copy of the notice must be served on the Receiver within those five days. All publicly available documents in the proceedings can be found on the Receiver’s website at NTI Newspaper Technologies Inc. - KPMG Canada.

Any interested parties should contact Temi Muraina at the below:
Telephone: (403) 697-6883
Email: [email protected]