Northern Pulp Nova Scotia Corporation

Northern Pulp Nova Scotia Corporation, which owns a pulp mill in Abercrombie, Nova Scotia, along with its affiliates (collectively, the "Petitioners"), filed for protection under the CCAA on June 19 after the Petitioners were forced to cease business operations of their mill on January 31 and lay off over 300 employees. The mill closed following the Nova Scotia Premier's refusal to extend the life of the company's effluent treatment plant in Boat Harbour. As a consequence of the mill's closure and associated operational issues, the Petitioners face immediate and multiple challenges to their continued viability and project they will run out of cash in late July. Without CCAA protection, the Petitioners, which currently owe approximately $84.9 million to the Province of Nova Scotia, will be unable to transition the mill and their operations into a safe state of hibernation and preservation. EY was appointed monitor. Counsel is McCarthy Tétrault for the Petitioners and Stewart McKelvey for the Province of Nova Scotia.