Norman Prior Nodwell

Norman Prior Nodwell, who operates a mixed farming operation near Biggar, Saskatchewan, had an interim receiver appointed over all of his livestock, forage and feed on October 14, on application by BMO, owed approximately $2.2 million. On September 29, the Animal Protection Services Branch of the Government of Saskatchewan issued a Corrective Action Order against Mr. Nodwell, requiring him to provide his livestock with supplemental feed to improve the livestock's body condition and to humanely euthanize or provide veterinary care to distressed animals. On October 6, an agent of BMO inspected the farm and discovered that the bison are in poor condition, Mr. Nodwell had recently euthanized a number of bison, Mr. Nodwell does not maintain an inventory of his cattle and bison, Mr. Nodwell's bison are unmarked and unidentifiable and Mr. Nodwell's pastures are in extremely poor condition. Deloitte was appointed interim receiver. Counsel is MLT Aikins for BMO and Cuelenaere LLP for Mr. Nodwell.