Links of London (Canada) Limited

Links of London (Canada) Limited, a Toronto, Ontario-based jewelry retailer that carried on business under the trade name Links of London, filed an NOI on July 20, 2022. Links of London depended on its parent company in the UK and on its affiliate in the US for inventory, bookkeeping and other operational support. In November of 2019, the insolvency proceedings and subsequent liquidation of Links of London’s parent and affiliate companies forced the company to commence the liquidation of its own inventory. The liquidation was completed by the end of January, 2020, by which time it had vacated the premises of the five retail locations it formerly occupied in Canada. The company intends to file a proposal to provide for a structured, coordinated and transparent wind-down, and to address the claims of creditors in an orderly fashion. Alvarez & Marsal is the proposal trustee. Counsel is Blakes for the company and Aird & Berlis for the proposal trustee.