
Juch-Tech, a Hamilton, Ontario-based company that provides satellite broadcast and internet transmission and uplink services, was placed in receivership on December 9 on application by New Skies Satellites B.V. ("New Skies"), owed approximately $10.4 million (USD) under a Master Services Agreement. A portion of the company's indebtedness is secured by a General Security Agreement. The company has defaulted on various obligations to New Skies, including failing to pay outstanding service fees and engaging in a pattern of improper conduct, such as unauthorized use of New Skies' satellites. Over the past few months, the company has completely ignored numerous demand notices and requests for information made by New Skies. In addition, New Skies has discovered that the company appears to have moved assets that are subject to the General Security Agreement to a property owned by a related company, possibly to frustrate efforts by New Skies to enforce its security interest. KSV was appointed Receiver. Counsel is Osler for the applicant and Norton Rose Fulbright for the Receiver.