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- Future Leaders Conference
Future Leaders Conference

We are excited to be organizing a series of half-day conferences for the next generation of insolvency leaders, each of which will be followed by a cocktail reception hosted by the Insolvency Institute of Canada (IIC) with IIC members in attendance.
Dates / Times
Calgary - October 4, 2023. 1:30pm
Toronto - October 10, 2023. 1:30pm
Vancouver - November 2, 2023. 1:30pm
Montreal - November 15, 2023. 1:30pm
Who Should Attend?
This half-day conference is for insolvency lawyers and accountants that are in approximately years 3 - 8 of their insolvency careers (mid level associates at law firms, senior associates and managers at accounting firms).
If you’re not sure if it’s a fit, just email us!
1:30 pm to 2:00 pm - Registration
Sign in, get a snack and say hello to friends and colleagues.
2:00 pm to 2:30 pm - Ice Breaker
A fun way to kick off our afternoon and get to know everyone.
2:30 pm to 3:15 pm Session 1: Building a Book of Business
How does one build a book of business authentically? There is no one right way to do it. Our diverse panel of experienced insolvency professionals will reflect on their personal experiences and guide up-and-coming professionals on how they can develop their own approach.
3:15 pm to 3:45 pm - Snack / Networking Break
3:45 pm to 4:15 pm Interactive Activity
4:15 pm to 5:00 pm Session 2 - Leading on a File
This session will explore how insolvency professionals can transition from playing a supporting role on a file to taking the lead. Panelists will discuss the attributes senior partners are looking for from their junior colleagues and practical steps that can be taken to earn trust and increased responsibility.
5:00 pm to 7:00pm - IIC reception
Attendees are invited to a cocktail reception with current IIC members following the afternoon sessions.
Tickets for this conference are $299 + HST.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at this conference. If you are planning on attending, please register quickly as spaces are limited.
Our sincere thanks to Insolvency Institute of Canada for partnering with us on this conference and hosting the cocktail reception.

Our thanks also to the following firms for hosting the conference in their offices:
Calgary and Toronto - Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Montreal - Stikeman Elliott LLP

Vancouver - Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP