Datawind Inc. (aka Jeotex Corporation and aka Jeotex Inc.)

Datawind Inc. (aka Jeotex Corporation and aka Jeotex Inc. ("Jeotex")), a Mississauga, Ontario-based developer and manufacturer of low-cost tablet computers and smartphones, was adjudged bankrupt on June 10 on application by Greenwoods GRM LLP ("Greenwood"), a UK-based judgment creditor of the company. In 2017, Greenwood commenced a claim against Jeotex for unpaid legal fees and the UK High Court granted judgment in favour of Greenwood (the "Judgment"). In 2018, Greenwood enforced the Judgment in Ontario, which Jeotex unsuccessfully attempted to appeal. In 2019, Greenwood then filed a bankruptcy application against Jeotex in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. At the time the application was filed, Jeotex had ceased making rent payments to its landlord in Quebec and was ordered by the Court to remedy its default or face eviction. Jeotex failed to abide by the Court order and was subsequently evicted from the property. Despite obtaining several Court orders within the UK and Ontario, Greenwood has been unable to collect on the Judgment for the past four years. Greenwood has also continued to incur costs unnecessarily due to Jeotex's attempts to litigate matters that, in Greenwood's view, had no merit or chance of success. In order to protect the interest of creditors, Greenwood sought a bankruptcy order to allow for the equitable distribution of Jeotex's assets and its subsidiaries in the UK, India, and the United States. Albert Gelman Inc. is the bankruptcy trustee. Counsel is Macdonald Sager Manis for Greenwood and Page Martin for the company.