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  • Community Marine Concepts Ltd., Victoria International Marina Ltd., Eternaland Yuheng Investment Holding Ltd., and 0736657 B.C. Ltd

Community Marine Concepts Ltd., Victoria International Marina Ltd., Eternaland Yuheng Investment Holding Ltd., and 0736657 B.C. Ltd

Community Marine Concepts Ltd., Victoria International Marina Ltd., Eternaland Yuheng Investment Holding Ltd., and 0736657 B.C. Ltd., Vancouver Island, British Columbia based companies, were placed in receivership on December 13, on application by the Bank of Nova Scotia. The Bank provided the companies with a non-revolving term loan in the principal amount of $17,080,000 to provide bridge financing for the construction of a luxury yacht center in Victoria Harbour on Vancouver Island known as the Victoria International Marina. As at August 2021, when the petition was initially filed, the companies had been in default of their payment obligations for 15 months and remained indebted to the Bank in the amount of approximately $15.5 million, excluding fees and interest. The receivership order was granted on November 1 and provided that the companies would automatically be placed in receivership on December 13 unless the debt to the Bank was repaid in full prior to that date. Alvarez and Marsal was appointed receiver. Counsel is Blakes for the Bank and Crystal Law for the companies.