Coalspur Mines (Operations) Ltd.

Coalspur Mines (Operations) Ltd., a Hinton, Alberta-based coal development company which owns and operates the Vista Coal Mine Project, filed for CCAA protection on April 26, 2021. While the company’s operations have significant value, with Phase I alone having the capacity to produce roughly 6.5 million tonnes of clean coal per year, Coalspur’s ability to conduct its business and generate revenue and liquidity has been severely impacted by: (a) the shut down of the mine in February 2021 as a result of a permitting issue with the Alberta Energy Regulator ("AER"), thereby suspending all coal production and cutting off Coalspur’s only source of revenue; and (b) the simultaneous crystallization of an approximately $59.9 million USD hedge obligation to Trafigura Lte. Ltd. following the rapid escalation in global coal prices in late 2020. Coalspur has now resolved the permitting issue with the AER and received approvals to restart mining operations. However, Coalspur lacks sufficient funding to restart the Project and begin producing coal because of the depletion of its coal inventory and the loss of all revenue since January 2021. FTI was appointed monitor. Counsel is Osler for the company and Blakes for the monitor.