ChronoMétriq Inc. and Health Myself Innovations Inc

ChronoMétriq Inc. and Health Myself Innovations Inc., Montreal, Quebec-based companies in the healthcare sector, each filed an NOI on October 26, collectively listing approximately $9.2 million in liabilities, including approximately $3.2 million of tax debt and approximately $2.9 to CIBC. ChronoMétriq, which operates under the trade name Pomelo Health, provides various software platforms to assist clinics, hospitals and governments with services which include online appointment booking and management of queues. Health Myself Innovations was acquired by ChronoMétriq in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. It operates an online portal to enable patients and service providers to interact online and interacts with electronic medical records. The purpose of the NOI proceedings is to facilitate a going concern sale through a SISP. Richter is the proposal trustee. Counsel is Miller Thomson for the companies, McCarthy Tétrault for the proposal trustee and Chaitons for CIBC.