Calgary Oil & Gas Syndicate Group Ltd.

Calgary Oil & Gas Syndicate Group Ltd., a Calgary, Alberta-based producer of natural gas and natural gas liquids, along with various other related entities (collectively, the "Group"), filed for protection under the CCAA on February 11, 2021, listing approximately $42.89 million in liabilities, including approximately $27 million to Crown Capital Partner Funding, LP. As a junior energy producer, the viability of the Group's business operations is highly dependent upon oil and gas commodity pricing. As such, the Group has been significantly impacted by challenging market conditions in the Canadian oil and gas industry, including the protracted depressed oil and gas pricing, as well as market volatility due to several factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. BDO was appointed monitor. Counsel is BLG for the Group and MLT Aikins for Crown Capital Partner Funding, LP.