Bridging Finance Inc.

Bridging Finance Inc. ("BFI"), a Toronto, Ontario-based investment management firm with approximately $2 billion in assets under management, as well as various investment vehicles managed by the firm (the "BFI Funds"), were placed in receivership on April 30, 2021, on application by the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC"). BFI is registered with securities regulators in all provinces and territories in Canada as a restricted portfolio manager and an exempt market dealer. The Enforcement Staff of the OSC is conducting an ongoing confidential investigation centred around allegations that BFI and certain of its officers, directors, and shareholders have: appropriated amounts from the BFI Funds for personal gain; mismanaged the BFI Funds, including by failing to disclose material conflicts of interest; breached numerous securities laws and regulations, including by misleading Enforcement Staff; and failed to act in the best interests of the Respondents’ stakeholders. As such, the OSC sought and was granted a receivership order pursuant to section 129 of the Ontario Securities Act. PwC was appointed receiver.