Bow River Energy Ltd.

Bow River Energy Ltd., a Calgary, Alberta-based junior oil and gas producer, filed for protection under the CCAA on June 1. The company has been impacted by the various industry challenges facing Western Canadian oil and natural gas markets, including a precipitous decline in oil and natural gas prices over the past five months. Although the company was able to successfully emerge out of the 2014 and 2018 economic downturns, the more dramatic downturn in the last several months has presented difficulties which the company has not been able to overcome. In April, Western Canadian Select oil prices declined 92% in comparison to the 2019 average prices. This decline in price proved disastrous for the company and it estimates a 350% drop in cash flow. In addition, the company's operations have been adversely impacted by social distancing measures. BDO was appointed monitor. Counsel is BLG for the company and Bennett Jones for the monitor.