Behr Technologies Inc.

Behr Technologies Inc., an Ontario-based technology company, filed an NOI on December 3. The company’s business is focused on a disruptive wireless connectivity software platform that is power-built for massive-scale, industrial and commercial “internet of things” networks. In early 2021, it became clear that projected sales and orders would not be achieved and that the company had no finished commercial product to sell. In addition, the hardware necessary to deliver a complete solution to customers was taking much longer to come on stream due, in part, to the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of the company’s existing security holders have declined to make further equity investments in the company, leaving it unable to meet its obligations as they come due. Farber is the proposal trustee. Counsel is Aird & Berlis for the company, Miller Thomson for the proposal trustee and Wildeboer Dellelce for 13486826 Canada Inc.