Alberta Foothills Properties Ltd.

Alberta Foothills Properties Ltd., a Calgary, Alberta-based company that carries on a real estate development business, was placed in receivership on May 17 on application by ATB Financial, owed approximately $13.9 million pursuant to a commitment lender under which ATB Financial agreed to make certain loans to the company in order to finance a three-phase residential land development project in Okotoks, Alberta known as Wind Walk (the "Project"). By March 2018, the company had breached the terms of the commitment letter by, among other things, failing to make payments when due. After various formal extensions of the forbearance period, ATB Financial also informally agreed to allow the company two weeks to secure either a sale of the lands where the Project is located or a refinancing that would allow the company to repay the indebtedness. To date, ATB Financial has not received any evidence of substantial progress with respect to the sale of the lands or of the refinancing. FTI was appointed receiver. Fasken is counsel to ATB Financial.